Dear Pastor,

I am very excited to invite you to lunch held at Faith Church catered by Muriales Restaurant on Thursday, July 30th from 12-2pm. My friend, Dr Jay Grimstead, author of Rebuilding Civilization on The Bible and Founder of Coalition on Revival (COR) will be the guest speaker. Dr Grimstead is 85 years old and on fire for God like few individuals his age on planet earth. You will receive a free copy of this renowned book with contributors like the late Francis Schaeffer, Dr. R.C. Sproul and Dr. D. James Kennedy. Dr. Grimstead was used by God to assemble the great “Evangelical Theologians” of the last 50 years to write the 24 documents based on Scripture in this book that can bring the Church back to “sound doctrine.”

As you know, the Emergent Church Movement call themselves Christians but has departed from the faith once delivered to the saints. The false teachings regarding the Deity of Christ, Inerrancy of Scripture, the Blood Atonement and Virgin Birth of Christ have all been called into question by the Neo Evangelical group among the mainline denominations. As leaders, we have a challenge to meet in presenting the Truth of Scripture in an age of deception even in the Church.

Dr. Grimstead has also outlined a strategy for Revival that he will share with us, I know you will be encouraged and enlightened at this important meeting so please, if you are a Sr. Leader in your church, I urge you to come personally and sit at the feet of a great General of the Faith. We can all send a delegate, but it won’t be the same as coming yourself. I sincerely desire to see our region informed, inspired and activated to take back all the devil has stolen and see God’s will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

Your lunch is provided by another ministry donor and there will be no offering taken, just come and be blessed together with other leaders who share the same passion.

We only have room for 30 guests so please register today.

Dr. Grimstead and I look forward to seeing you and sharing in a vital time in the Lord and for His Glory!

Your Fellow Servant,

John Polis
Dr. Jay Grimstead