The American Witch Trials P1

Kandice Nuzum

Last week I spoke about the Rev. John Wise being put in prison by Andros, the man sent by King James II to America to be governor over all the colonies, King James being removed from the throne in 1688, the Boston residents arresting Andros, sending him back to England, the Judge Dudley being sued for refusing Rev. John Wise the right of habeas corpus and Wise winning a large economic settlement against him.

Shortly after Andros was removed and order was restored to the region, the infamous Salem Witch Trials of 1691-1692 occurred, in which 27 individuals died. This is one of the rare occasions when the New England Puritans fell into the same type of bad behavior from which the had fled. And just as the Rev. Wise had been key in ending the British tyranny in that day, so to, was he instrumental in ending this American tyranny of the witch trials.

Content sourced from The American Story, The Beginnings by Dave Barton & Tim Barton