Jamestown and Virginia P3
Last week we talked about Jamestown reverting to socialism and widespread laziness and Thomas Dale, the governor who replaced John Smith, tried to get them back to John Smith's rule. With the Jamestown colonists' general aversion to working for themselves and their desire to have others work and provide for them, it is not surprising that the Virginia Colony is where chattel slavery first became legal in America. Chattel slavery is the complete and unlimited ownership of another person and their descendants. Other colonies formed in that region had a similar mindset, and in these southern colonies slavery grew fastest and deepest.
The southern propensity for slaves became so strong that during the American War for Independence, many Southerners were reluctant to serve in defense of America for fear that their slaves might escape.
Content Sourced From “The American Story The Beginnings. By David Barton & Tim Barton”