Jamestown vs Plymouth P2
English explorer Sir Francis Drake and Sir Walter Raleigh both served the British monarch; one had explored the west coast of America and the other the east coast in the late 1500’s. English rulers therefore viewed all land from the Atlantic westward to the Pacific as theirs. Thus, when the first colonists came to America from England, it never crossed their minds that the British king did not actually own the land; he said he did and that ended the question.
Those Virginia colonists were also part of the official State established Anglican Church of England. Because they relied heavily on State-appointed priests who told them how to interpret the Bible, they generally were not strong students of the Scriptures and its teachings.
Additionally, the early Virginia colonists had limited trades and vocations, and what they did have was often assigned them by the government. What they produced was generally for the direct benefit of others (such as the king or nobles), not themselves. They therefore relied heavily on government provision for their sustenance, and their general culture was socialist, elitist, and monarchical.``
Content sourced from “The American Story the beginnings. By David Barton & Tim Barton”