Plymouth and Massachusetts P5
In summary of the difference between Jamestown with socialism and chattel slavery and Plymouth who believed in private property, the free market, and who made slavery a crime, much that was good in America came from the Plymouth Colony and spread outward; and much that was detrimental came from the Jamestown Colony, also spreading outward. In 1888, with America still deeply reeling from the direct and indirect effects of the Civil War, a wall map was published showing many of the fruits produced by the two models. That graphic showed God's blessings flowing outward from the Biblical principles introduced in Plymouth, and God's curse moving outward from bad philosophy applied in Jamestown. While today both geographic areas of the nation are dramatically different in their current beliefs from their original views, the two dissimilar seeds early sown in America nevertheless produced distinctly different thinking and behaviors that lasted for generations.
Content sourced from “The American Story the beginnings. By David Barton & Tim Barton”